At Attic (2017 - present)
(*world premiere)

All Roads by Roy Williams* (as producer)

Learning to Fly by James Rowland*
Attic and James Rowland co-production

The Last Noël by Chris Bush*
Attic & Arts at the Old Fire Station co-production

The Rebellious Women of Wimbledon by Beth Flintoff*
Attic tour

The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Stephen Sharkey*
Attic tour

Freelance productions (2010-present)

The Last Abbot by Beth Flintoff

The Rivals by Sheridan, in a version by Beth Flintoff*
The Watermill

The Mighty Walzer by Howard Jacobson, adapted by Simon Bent*
Manchester Royal Exchange

Oscar Wilde on Trial by Beth Flintoff*

Romeo and Juliet
Sheffield Theatres Crucible

The Village Bike by Penelope Skinner
Sheffield Theatres Studio
Regional Premiere

Happy Days by Samuel Beckett
Sheffield Theatres Studio
UK Theatre Award

Boeing Boeing
Sheffield Theatres Crucible

The Circus
Bosco Tent / The Invisible Dot Ltd

Unknown Soldiers
NT/Waterloo Festival

Krapp’s Last Tape
Hull Truck

Spoonface Steinberg
Hull Truck

Theatre Uncut
Sheffield Theatres/Sheffield University

Happy Days by Samuel Beckett
Sheffield Theatres Studio
UK Theatre Award

The Hotel Plays by Tennessee Williams
Defibrillator/Langham Hotel

Moscow Live by Serge Cartwright*

Maratona da Nova Iorque by Eduardo Erba
CCVF, Portugal

Theatre 503/Latitude Festival

Mojo Mickybo by Owen McCafferty
Arcola/Trafalgar Studios

Workshops and readings

NT Studio

Father’s Son
NT Studio

The Power of Yes 
Sheffield Theatres

How I Live Now
NT Studio

Even Rats Can Tap Dance
Royal Court

Joy of the Pet World
Soho Theatre


The Send Off
BBC Film

Ghosts (as edit director)
Digital Theatre/Cinema Live

Private Lives (as edit director)
Digital Theatre/Cinema Live

As staff or assistant director (2006 – 2009):

Gethsemane by David Hare*
dir. Howard Davies

The Pitmen Painters by Lee Hall*
dir. Max Roberts

All’s Well That Ends Well
dir. Marianne Elliott

The Voysey Inheritance by Harley Granville Barker
dir. Peter Gill

I’ll Be The Devil by Leo Butler*
dir. Ramin Gray

Racing Demon
dir. Daniel Evans
Sheffield Theatres

Me and My Girl
dir. Anna Mackmin
Sheffield Theatres

The Great Theatre of the World
dir. Bill Gaskill

Mercy by Lin Coghlan*
dir. Paul Miller
Soho Theatre